Female for male Coach Fantasy
Female for male Coach Fantasy

How My Yoni Massage Therapist Helped Me Play Out My Naughty Coach Fantasy

When I was in college, I worked out with this fitness coach who I had the BIGGEST crush on. He was the source of my naughty fitness coach fantasy. He was married, unfortunately, so he was unavailable, but that didn’t mean that we didn’t have some insane chemistry between us.

Looking back, I used to feel so much energy of attraction flowing between us when he used to help me stretch before and after a training session. I remember how his breathing would shift, like he was clearly trying to control himself, even though he was feeling something, too.

We would joke with each other, and say flirty things, but, for some reason, stretch time was always quite serious between us. I think we were both trying to make it seem like we weren’t thinking about what we were thinking about, or feeling what we were feeling.

He was so damn attractive. I remember spending hours on my own, fantasizing about what it would be like if he were to slip in his self control, and accidentally let on that he was very turned on by me, and thinking about doing naughty things with me.

There were certain stretches we would do together that reminded me of sex positions. What would happen if he just lost it a little bit and started rubbing himself on me?

All I knew was, I craved for it to happen, for years. I would imagine that he would be holding me in a wide split, helping me stretch wider open, then he would forget himself and stare down at my crotch, noticing it was a little wet. He wouldn’t be able to help himself… his fingers would be drawn there, checking to see how wet it actually was through my pants. Soaked.

He would then bend my knees and push them back, helping me stretch my hips, and he would mindlessly start to cup and grip the outline of my pussy through my pants, feeling that I was engorged, and turned on, and exceedingly damp, while he was touching me and stretching me.

My eyes would pop out of my head as I watch his cock harden in his gym shorts, and stand way out at attention. I immediately would want to suck on it. I would push him back, forgetting about stretching for now, and I would pull down his shorts swiftly to reveal his stiff cock.

This was a tasty treat I had been longing for, for a long time. So I would slowly lavish tongue love on his cock, tasting every inch of it, swirling my tongue around his balls. He would groan in appreciation, pulling me down further on his dick with his hands, loving every moment of it.

He would say it was so wrong, that he was married and he loved his wife, and I would tell him not to worry, that this was just a secret between us, and that he could fully enjoy it. I would then remove my pants, lie back in front of him and spread my legs open wide, giving him full view of my pussy.

He would lose all sense of control at that point, and dive face first into my pussy, lapping up my juices, and breathing in my sweet scent. He would be so excited for the novelty, and so motivated to penetrate me. But first, he would want to completely devour my pussy, giving me insane pleasure and making me cum so hard.

I would then lay myself over a yoga ball and beg him to enter me from behind and give it to me the way he had been longing to for so long. He and I both knew it. We could both feel it. He had been wanting it as long as I had, so I wanted him to show that desire to me full force.

No need to be shy any longer, he would grip my hips with both hands, swirl the head of his penis over my pussy a few times, and then plunge himself into me with a massive groan. He had been dying to give this to me for a long time.

With my hands against the wall to steady myself and my body laid over the ball, I begged him to pound me into the ground, to let me have the full length and weight of his cock, to bang me like a ketchup bottle. I wanted him to fuck me until I couldn’t see straight.

He would lay me out all over the fitness room, in different positions, pounding away at me, fully enjoying this free ride he had been gifted, meant to be a secret from his wife. I would absolutely love the feeling of a married man getting away with something with me. It feels so taboo to take something that doesn’t belong to me, and to be wanted by someone who shouldn’t want me.

I would imagine myself coming so hard, again and again, loving the feeling of his cock, and the rush of him giving it to me fully, in a stolen moment. This was one of my favorite fantasies for a long time. It was one of my go-to choices when I was enjoying solo sexual time.

Do you have a naughty fitness coach fantasy?

When I discovered this guy’s website and realized that he was local, I was really excited to learn there was a yoni massage therapy studio within striking distance of me. I was excited about the concept yoni massage in general. The idea of erotic massage for women was fairly foreign to me. I certainly hadn’t seen it offered as a service before, the way it seemed to be common to offer that kind of service for women.

Not only did this guy offer yoni massage, but he also offered sexual surrogacy services and fantasy fulfillment. I got really excited reading stories from other women who had enjoyed their time with him, and explored all kinds of exciting fantasies within a safe container with him.

I decided to reach out to him, and explore my personal trainer fantasy with him in conversation, to see if he thought he would be able to deliver such an experience to me. He assured me he could, and we could do it in my fitness space at home, so that we would have privacy to explore all the naughty aspects of this fantasy.

Excited beyond reason, I set up a date with him to have him come “train me” at my house, and we would act out my fantasy together. While I was nervous about doing this with a relative stranger, I was really excited to have some control over exploring it with someone with some rules and agreements in place. That way, I could completely let myself relax and let go and enjoy the fantasy.

He came to my place, adapted the role for my personal trainer fantasy, and we had so much fun exploring the many ways we could stretch and he could “accidentally” graze me, or he would put me in compromising positions and let me feel him staring hard at my pussy, lusting after me, his cock getting hard in his shorts.

He crossed the line, telling me not to tell anyone, as he wouldn’t want his wife to find out. At that point, our clothes came off, and we had a mixture of stretching and inventive sex positions and rolled all over the floor. When he went down on me, I came especially hard, as he was especially gifted with his tongue.

He left me completely exhausted and used up on the floor of my fitness room, and he let himself out my front door. I was so thoroughly satisfied, and also completely intrigued. If this was so much fun, and so satisfying, what else was there to explore?

I knew one thing, I wanted to try setting up one of his basic yoni massage appointments, because I was incredibly curious about that experience. I heard that there were very powerful orgasms potentially in store for me. I also loved the idea of just lying there and receiving touch, allowing myself to completely absorb the pleasure.

The appointments with the yoni massage therapist became a really fun sexual outlet for me. I found new ways to enjoy feeling pleasure in my body, and new ways to enjoy being with a man. During a time of my life that I was single, this pleasure time was especially precious to me, as it contributed greatly to my mental health.

I never would have thought that I would play out my fitness coach fantasy with someone, let alone a yoni massage therapist. Turns out, it was an incredibly satiating experience, that I would highly recommend to anyone! Yoni massage is so awesome, and a wonderful way to rewire the body’s relationship to pleasure.

More Resources relative to Coach Fantasy

Sensual and Erotic Services for Women

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Female for male Coach Fantasy
Female for male Coach Fantasy
More Resources relative to Coach Fantasy

Sensual and Erotic Services for Women

g-spot massage