Porn Actress sexual fantasy
Porn Actress sexual fantasy

My First Time Being a Porn Actress

I have fantasized about being a porn actress many times throughout my life. The idea of having a career in porn has always been titillating to me. I love sex and pleasure, and I love being seen by others, so the idea of a porn actress in a porn film was super stimulating.

Of course, there’s a lot of stigma around porn, especially in certain circles, so I was never able to admit to my husband that I had this fantasy when I was married. I don’t think he would have approved. I’ve always had a desire to be more sexually adventurous than he was. It was a big contributor to the end of our marriage, because our sex life dried up completely. We just weren’t compatible that way.

I always had more of an adventurous side, and I was thirsty for new and erotic experiences. Being newly divorced, I felt I had a lot of territory to make up for. I went on a lot of dates, and tried on lots of new things with men, feeling into what I enjoy.

I found that I have a bit of a performance streak in me. I love having someone else’s eyes on me while I’m in pleasure. I started to fantasize about being filmed while in the throes of orgasm.

This is when I found a man in Seattle who films educational sex content. Sex ed porn. He gives women pleasure, and teaches how to do so as he films. In this case, the porn actress is more like a pleasure model – there to just enjoy and receive pleasure.

I have to admit, when I found out about this I was simply ablaze with interest. The idea of being filmed while receiving pleasure was so hot to me. And then you add to that the fact the technique he uses is called yoni massage – this was a really exciting concept to me!

Yoni massage is a very old feminine pleasure practice used to help women better connect to their bodies and experience their pleasure more deeply. It begins with a massage to allow a woman to completely relax in her body so that she is able to experience the sensation of more pleasure. It’s healing for women who struggle with experiencing pleasure, because the practice itself creates a sense of safety.

The idea of listening to a man explain why he is doing what he is doing while touching my body, being filmed in my experience, being seen in my pleasure – why it was just overwhelming! I just knew it would be so erotic to receive the experience while listening to the instruction at the same time.

Do you fantasize about being a porn actress?

I decided to give my porn actress fantasy a shot and set up an appointment with the yoni massage therapist, telling him that I wanted to be filmed while receiving my service. I told him that my exhibitionist side was deeply turned on by the idea. I knew it was an unusual choice for a first experience, but I was feeling particularly adventurous.

When I arrived for the appointment I was so nervous and excited. I had a good feeling about this man, given all the reviews and impressions I had read, and he had good energy while I was chatting with him on the phone. I felt I was going to be safe in this scenario, and I was just excited to experience it.

In his studio, he had a massage table set up with cameras all around. I felt a flip of excitement in my stomach, and in my pussy, when I saw them. We sat down in a couple comfortable chairs and talked about what I wanted to experience. We talked about my boundaries – were there any places I did not want to be teased or touched? There weren’t. I was feeling very adventurous.

He invited me to strip off my clothes and lay face down on the massage table. He went around and turned on all the cameras, then came to stand next to me and address the camera in front of him so he could start to teach.

He began to lightly slide his hands across my body, from head to toe, just light touches that raised goose bumps on my skin. As he touched me, he described to the cameras the importance of allowing a woman to relax while being touched, to awaken the pleasure receptors throughout the body.

His long slow strokes of his hands felt so good, I let myself melt into the table a bit. He pointed out how my breath was deepening and slowing down. He described how to look for the cues that showed that I was relaxed.

He moved up by my head and ran his fingers through my hair and massaged my scalp a bit. That felt so good I let out a little sigh as he played with my hair. He pointed out that noise and sighs, deep breaths, are all good signs that pleasure is happening.

Now that I was close to fully relaxed, he started to explain how he begins to slightly tease. He dips his hands down along my sides and drags them along my waist and the sides of my breasts. He does it again, just slightly dragging his fingers across the edge of my nipples from the sides.

He drags his fingers up my inner thighs, closer and closer to my pussy, which was definitely becoming juicy with my turn on in full force. I was absolutely titillated by the fact that the cameras were watching me as I became more and more turned on. The fact that I knew this would be watched by others was so exciting.

My whole body began to tingle, and I began to feel a strong baseline of pleasure. His hands came closer and closer to my hot spots, but didn’t stay there for too long. As he was teaching, he was describing the importance of the tease and the slow pace. It was erotic as hell receiving that treatment while hearing him describe his method and his reasoning for everything he was doing.

After spending a little time teasing my feet, he invited me to roll over onto my back. I flipped over, and I was hyper-aware of my nudity, and all the cameras on my body from different angles. I felt very exposed, but in a sexy, exciting way. I wanted to be seen this way. It made me feel even juicier.

He pulled my legs open wider on the table, exposing my pussy to his view, and he continued to tease, dragging his fingers across my pussy lips gently, and along the crease of my inner thigh.

He moved up to my breasts and tweaked and played with my breasts and nipples, all the while explaining his technique and showing lots of varieties of ways to stimulate that area. After a while, he reached down and began to gently pinch my clit while he tweaked my nipple. I let out an involuntary moan and my whole body had a pleasure spasm.

He described to the cameras how important it is to operate with a slow, teasing pace. He knew that I was already desiring a release, but it was his job to allow that pleasure to build up in my body for as long as possible before allowing a release so that my orgasm would be as powerful as possible. It was really sexy to receive such masterful attention. I allowed myself to just melt into it and enjoy all the sensations.

He finally moved his body down by my hips, pulled my knees open a bit wider, and began giving his full attention to my pussy. He slowly dragged his fingers around with a light touch. He gently grasped my clit through my pussy lips, pinching it and wiggling it between his fingers.

My hips began to rock, my breathing quickened, I couldn’t help but make noises, and all the while I kept feeling that the cameras were on me and that all of this would be watched by others. It was an incredibly erotic feeling, and I began to feel a powerful orgasm coming on.

As he slowly slipped a finger inside me, and continued to massage my clit, I felt myself beginning to explode into a massive orgasm. I came in waves and waves, the pleasure moving throughout my body in ripple effects. It was one of the most powerful orgasms I’ve ever had, due to the slow buildup of sensation.

It was so exciting, as I was having an orgasm, to realize that it was being captured for others to watch. I knew he was watching me too, turned on by my pleasure and captivated by all my little pleasure movements.

It was incredibly thrilling to be filmed while experiencing this pleasure. It definitely fed my fantasy of trying out being a porn actress. Although, truthfully, I didn’t have to do any acting! All I had to do was enjoy the pleasure. I absolutely loved it.

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Porn Actress sexual fantasy
Porn Actress sexual fantasy
More Resources relative to Porn Actress

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